Kobo forma case
Kobo forma case


The shipping time depends on your location, it usually takes 6 to 12 days to ship to the United States, but this time may be longer. Your kobo forma case is handmade and can be shipped within 3-5 working days.


Just rub the oils from your skin shape the patina's look over time.

kobo forma case

We do not recommend leather chemicals as it will harm the leather as time going on, you can use some leather oil if really needed. Don't be afraid of a scuff or small scratches. Leather marks can form a subtly patterned testimony of a healthy cow and are a mainstay of genuine top grain leather. Looking for kobo forma case online in India Shop for the best kobo forma case from our collection of exclusive, customized & handmade products. It is a unique and captivating natural leather in its rough state. Our leather supplier creates all their stylish leather material using rugged and raw cowhide leather that is filled with premium quality control. Our default emboss in Gabriola or Times New Roman font and the default size is pending on the item size to make sure the embossing the best looking. Add the personalization content to the "Personalization Lined 1&2" box. The cover can be traditionally debossed with your chosen initials to add an extra personal touch. Keeps your Kobo safe wherever you are taking it! Get your leather kobo Forma case personalized to make it a special gift Designed to fit perfectly for nearly all e-readers.


Tags Kobo Forma caseModel to download and 3D print. This leather Kobo Forma case is made from high-quality unique vintage leather and strong linen thread, 100% handstitched. Click to find the best Results for kobo forma Models for your 3D Printer. It is a beautiful case that adds up the charm to your personality whenever carried along with you.

kobo forma case


The leather Kobo Forma case as a protective layer is quite practical and useful. Intrinsically Safe Portable Devices XCIEL. When you put your Kobo Forma in a leather case you add an irresistible touch of glamour and elegance. The slim and sleek look of the cover makes your device look appealing. You can pick any of the design to suit your style and personality. The leather Kobo Forma case is precisely cut and handcrafted.

kobo forma case

the kickstand version) and having to pay that much for it isn't for me.Custom Purple Leather Kobo Forma Case Sleeve not having a choice of a regular cover (vs. I ordered it (even though the available colors are horrid, at least it will be easy to see/find) and expect it Wednesday at which time I can post feedback here.Įven if I end up spending more than $50 on third party covers, I will not buy that OEM cover.


It has a sturdy 8.0 HD Mobius Carta E Ink screen, is fully waterproof, and is equipped with ComfortLight PRO to gradually reduce blue-light exposure. Try Kobo Forma's new page-turn buttons to read in either portrait or landscape mode. but I just now found one on Amazon available via Prime for $12 which is the clip in design I like ( ). The lightweight Kobo Forma is available with either 8GB or 32 GB storage. I used to not check Amazon as I didn't think Amazon was very friendly to Kobo. I don't really like the slip in design of the eBay cover, but I thought it was my only choice. I ordered a third part cover from China for $10 shipped (here: ) on Dec 26th, it is on a plane from China now, and is estimated to be here Jan 18th. Kobo Sage SleepCover 49.99 Buy Now Learn More > Kobo Libra 2 SleepCover 39.99 Buy Now Learn More > Kobo Libra 2 Basic SleepCover - Steel Grey 29.99 Buy Now Learn More > Kobo Clara 2E SleepCover 29.99 Buy Now Learn More > Kobo Clara 2E Basic SleepCover - Deep Ocean Blue 19.99 Buy Now Learn More > Kobo Clara HD SleepCover 29. I bought the OEM case for my KAO and was happy with it even though the price did hurt a bit, but like others, I am not buy the OEM case for my Forma, both because the price is now ridiculous, but they broke the main way I use it with that flappy design.

Kobo forma case